When we decided together with Laura to hold a timed auction to sell her old MiniCat 420 that had travelled and sailed all over the world with her, we were quite unsure of the response.
So we are delighted to be able to announce the successful conclusion of the auction. With the top three offers all over €3,000 the highest bidder and new owner of Laura’s ex-MiniCat is Laurent Janer from France.
Laurent offered to donate €3,500 to the Laura Dekker World Sailing Foundation and in return receives Laura’s MiniCat having been refurbished at the MiniCat factory and ready for many more years of sailing.
Laura released a video of thanks to all participants and has even offered to sail the MiniCat 420 together with Laurent at the MiniCat Fun Festival to be held on Lake Como, Italy at the end of June.
Thank you from us all at MiniCat and the Laura Dekker World Sailing Foundation to all the participants in this auction, you were all prepared to put your money ‘on the table’ to help a great cause.
Huge Congratulations goes to Laurent Janer in France.

To find out more about Laura Dekker’s Foundation please visit their website here >>> https://lauradekkerworldsailingfoundation.com/